Jump Start Your Marketing Brain

Jump Start Your Marketing Brain


Scientific Advice and Practical Ideas

Doug Hall teaches research-based marketing initiatives that will deliver sustained success.

Check your Marketing Brain IQ with the quiz on page 14. After getting over the shock of how generally accepted business “truths” are hurting your business, you will immediately understand how you can quickly and easily change your marketing to generate SUCCESS.

Starting right now, you can measurably improve your marketing results. The key is to replace gimmicks and misperceptions with proven strategies backed by hard data.

You’ll benefit from insight provided by over 106 scientific truths, creating 414 practical ideas that you could put in place today, plus original research and a statistical review of over 3,000 academic articles, from publications like the Journal of Marketing and the Journal of Product Innovation Management. No other book provides you with this type of hard data on consumer, industrial, and even business-to-business marketing situations.

“This book takes all of the mystery out of marketing and replaces it with a systematic and logical system. For anyone who takes their marketing role seriously, this book is a must-read.”
-Kip Knight, VP International, e-bay

“The fundamental premise shining through on every page of Marketing Brain is that if you want to create a great business, figure out how to add real value to people’s lives and then tell the truth about it. This book proves that, in business, the smart thing to do and the right thing are one and the same. In doing so, it elegantly presents the true moral nature of capitalism. And for that, I consider Doug Hall one of its greatest champions.”
-Jon Butcher, CEO, The Precious Moments Companies

Additional information

Weight 15.5 oz
Dimensions 6 × 9 in

Doug Hall



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Publication Date



Clerisy Press


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