Native Plant Gardening for Birds, Bees & Butterflies: Northern California

Native Plant Gardening for Birds, Bees & Butterflies: Northern California


Plan your landscape or garden with more than 100 native plants that benefit birds, bees, and butterflies in Northern California.

The presence of birds, bees, and butterflies suggests a healthy, earth-friendly place. These most welcome guests also bring joy to those who appreciate watching them. Now, you can turn your yard into a perfect habitat that attracts them and, more importantly, helps them thrive. Professional nature photographer and botanist George Oxford Miller provides all the information you need in this must-have guide for Northern California. Learn how to landscape and create pollinator gardens with native plants.

The book begins with an in-depth introduction to native pollinators and to birds. It’s followed by a “field guide” section to more than 100 native plants that are widely available to utilize, are easy to care for, and provide great benefit to birds, bees, and butterflies. The species are organized by level of sunlight needed and then by plant types. Each species includes full-color photographs and information about hardiness zones, what they are most likely to attract, soil requirements, light levels, and George’s notes. As an added bonus, you’ll make use of blooming charts, tips on attracting specific species, and more! Plus, the invaluable garden plans and projects show you just what to do and can be customized to suit your own specific interests.

Plan, plant, and grow your beautiful garden, with native plants that benefit your favorite creatures to watch and enjoy.

Additional information

Dimensions 8 × 10 in

George Oxford Miller



Page Count:


Illustration Notes

Color photos throughout

Publication Date

April 12, 2022


Adventure Publications


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