The Mosquito Book

The Mosquito Book


An Entertaining, Fact-filled Look at the Dreaded Pesky Bloodsuckers

This fun and easy-to-read book is all about mosquitoes, including what does and doesn’t work to keep them away and entertaining mosquito-related facts and trivia.

Keep Mosquitoes Away!

Everyone’s had a summer evening ruined by mosquitoes. Learn what really works to prevent that irritation. Fun and easy to read, this book by Brett Ortler contains everything you need to understand, and avoid mosquitoes.

  • A review of CDC-recommended repellents and products
  • A rundown of junk products, superstitions and other “repellents” that don’t work
  • A simple introduction to the science of mosquitoes
  • A review of mosquito-borne diseases, including malaria and West Nile virus

Amazing mosquito-related facts:
Did you know that the U.S. military issued mosquito-related propaganda during World War II? One of the artists they hired was none other than Dr. Seuss.