Winter Weed Finder

Winter Weed Finder


2nd Edition Identifying Dry Plants of Central and Eastern North America

Author Bio: Dorcas S. Miller, founding president of the Maine Master Naturalist Program, has written more than a dozen books, including, Constellation FinderScat FinderTrack Finder, and Berry Finder. Dorcas is a former contributing editor to Backpacker magazine’s “Moveable Feast” column, and has worked as an Outward Bound instructor and as a whitewater rafting guide.

Identify weeds in eastern North America with this pocket-size guide.

You can appreciate and enjoy nature’s plants and wildflowers—even during late fall and winter! If you’re curious about the dry, non-woody plants that you encounter, then Winter Weed Finder by Dorcas S. Miller is just what you need. With the handy, easy-to-use booklet, you can identify common native and naturalized herbs and native ferns throughout much of the eastern United States and parts of southern Canada.

The book provides a dichotomous key to identifying non-woody plants in late fall and winter. Simply answer a series of simple questions about the post-flowering appearance and the dry fruiting structures that remain after frost, such as dried flower heads, seed capsules, and stems. Along the way, professional illustrations by Ellen Amendolara help to guide you to a positive identification.
Book Features:

  • Step-by-step guide to winter weed identification
  • More than 100 species of wildflowers and other non-woody plants
  • Professional line illustrations with key markings for identification
  • Small format that fits into a pocket or pack

This guide is applicable to southeastern Canada and the US states of Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin, as well as eastern portions of Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Texas.

Additional information

Dimensions 5.88 × 4 in

Dorcas S. Miller


Ellen Amendolara



Page Count:



Nature Study Guides

Publication Date

October 8, 2024


Nature Study Guild Publishers


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