Menasha Ridge Press is an outdoors publishing company founded in 1982 by Bob Sehlinger. Bob had worked as a canoeing and kayaking instructor, and he based the company’s first guidebooks on his experiences as an enthusiastic practitioner and teacher.
Over the years, Menasha Ridge has taken great care to choose guidebook authors who are excited and knowledgeable about the offerings of their regions and towns and who are passionate about sharing the wonders of paddling, hiking, mountain biking, and camping with beginners and intermediates alike. Menasha guidebooks are carefully created with the reader in mind and draw on our authors’ first-hand knowledge of the trails and routes they write about.
Menasha Ridge Press began as a small operation set up in the basement of Bob’s house and has grown over the years to be part of a multi-brand outdoors, nature, and travel publishing company that employees about 35 people. We are small and still run by a team that’s been in the business for more than two decades.