John Muir Trail Data Book

2nd Edition Perfect for the pack-weight-conscious hiker, this condensed version of John Muir Trail includes only the data sections of its parent book.

John Muir Trail

6th Edition The Essential Guide to Hiking America's Most Famous Trail

Sierra South

9th Edition Backcountry Trips in California's Sierra Nevada 2021 Winner of the National Outdoor Book Award in the Classic Outdoor Category.

Sierra North

10th Edition Backcountry Trips in California's Sierra Nevada This guidebook features 86 hiking and backpacking trips in the Sierra Nevada, with trip details, maps, day-by-day trail descriptions, and more. 2021 Winner of the National Outdoor Book Award in the Classic Outdoor Category.

Top Trails: Yosemite

45 Must-Do Hikes for Everyone

This full-color guidebook describes the park's classic destinations and lesser-known jewels in 45 must-do hikes for a stroll, full day, or backpacking trip.

Yosemite National Park

6th Edition Your Complete Hiking Guide

This comprehensive guide features almost every trail in Yosemite National Park and the surrounding areas, divided into 96 trips.

Wildflowers of the High Sierra and John Muir Trail

This new book by Sierra expert Elizabeth Wenk includes photos and descriptions of approximately 300 species of wildflowers and flowering shrubs in the High Sierra. Focused on areas above 8,000 feet in elevation from Yosemite south through the Whitney Region, by restricting the collection of species to higher elevations, the book can include all commonly